I search constantly , exploring how & why I'm findable. I grab text strings from within my hosted systems and see if & where I rank. If not I see what does. I pasted in "Homeless Entrepreneur" from a page at LUMAL.com = http://www.lumal.com/main.html.
I found
gabeanderson.com/life/2002/ 08/07/homeless_entrepreneur.php it ranked and it looked good. I saw a direct link validating this system. So herein I type and we will see how it affects my rank. I tested until I found myself : GOOGLE
I see my text spidered and grading very high on a very very regular basis. I have a formula I have followed since the very beginning of internet time , I say 3/96. The search motors big bang. The beginning of the organism that is public thought distributed and complied.
So herein I bait another venue.
branded as my mom & dad at www.lumal.com